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New Fresh Day Contact Lenses

Introducing the Fresh Day Contact Lens Line

It’s always exciting to see new products that come out to improve the lives of our patients. Fresh Day contacts have won both the 2011 and 2012 contact lens product of the year award in Europe and are now available here at your Las Vegas Vision Source office. What makes these lenses so exciting and unique? They are a line of daily disposable contacts, meaning you toss them at the end of the day. There is no cleaning or reusing of a lens which makes them ideal for travel, recreation, kids, those that suffer with ocular allergies. They are also ideal if you are someone who enjoys the comfort of your contacts the first day you put a fresh pair on but notice that they may become less comfortable as the week or month goes on. Daily disposable contact lenses have the least association with infections since cleaning and reusing a lens is not necessary. The Fresh Day is the worlds first and only family of silicone hydrogel daily disposable contact lenses. It is the silicone in the lens that allows oxygen to go through the lens making it a breathable health lens.


Fresh Day

Vision-Source-fresh-day-_90-lenses_-small.328x0The Fresh Day lens has AquaGen technology which allows oxygen through the lens while trapping water within the lens to keep the surface of the lens moisturized for all day comfort. Another great feature of all the Fresh Day family of contact lenses is the built in UV protection. Las Vegas has a very high UV index and it’s important to protect your eyes from the damaging UVA and UVB rays which can lead to vision loss due to cataracts and macular degeneration.


Fresh Day for Astigmatism

Vision-Source-Las-Vegas-fresh-day-for-astigmatism-small.328x0The Fresh Day for Astigmatism lens is the world’s first silicone hydrogel daily disposable, toric (meaning for astigmatism) contact lens. It won the 2012 Contact Lens Product of the Year award in Europe. Never before have we been able to offer our patients with astigmatism a soft, breathable, daily disposable contact lens. Previously very few lenses were available for astigmatism patients in a daily disposable and none that allowed significant oxygen through the lens. That means may astigmatism patients are wearing a 2week or 1 month replacement lens.


Fresh Day Multifocal

fresh-day-multifocal-small.328x0The Fresh Day Multifocal is the worlds first silicone hydrogel daily disposable multifocal contact lens.  After the age of 40 most people need one prescription for distance to see clearly and another for reading. We most commonly put those two together in glasses in the form of a bifocal or progressive lens. Did you know that the technology also exists in contacts? Just because you are over 40 doesn’t mean you must only wear glasses to see clearly. Multifocal contact lenses allow both eyes to see in the distance, intermediate range and near without the need for glasses.


Compromise no longer and ask next time you come in to our Vision Source office for a free sample of a Fresh Day daily disposable  lens with your contact lens evaluation. Call us to day at 702-254-3558 to schedule your contact lens appointment or request and appointment through our website.