iWellness is here
Many eye diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration can cause small changes to the retina or optic nerve fibers. These small changes are not visible to the human eye in the early stages of the disease. Therefore, in an effort to provide a more thorough eye exam, our Vision Source practice has recently joined with other elite practices now performing comprehensive eye exams using the iVue® SD-OCT by Optovue.
Like an MRI of the eye, the iWellnessExam™ reveals ocular anatomy and signs of disease in exquisite detail. This breakthrough technology allows your doctor to examine with unprecedented clarity, structure that is invisible using traditional methods. This unique technology can help detect potentially vision threatening, as well as systemic diseases in their very early stages, when they are most treatable.
The iWellnessExam is a fast, simple procedure that provides:
- A detailed SD-OCT scan report to show a healthy eye or detect very early signs of the disease
- A retinal thickness map and ganglion cell complex assessment giving your doctor detailed information simply not available with methods
- The opportunity for you to view and discuss your iWellnessExam report with your doctor at the time of your exam.
- A permanent record for your file, which allows Dr. Beckwith, Dr. Lee or Dr. Nagel to compare your iWellnessExam reports each year to look for changes.
The iWellnessExam is FREE for our patients 18 and older who come in for a comprehensive exam in May. After that time this very important test will be available for only $10 as part of your pre-exam testing, our technician will perform the iWellnessExam which your doctor will review with you during your examination. Any questions you have about iWellnessExam and the results of the test can be discussed with the doctor during your examination. At out Vision Source office we strive to provide a comprehensive eye examination using the latest in technology to keep you seeing well for years to come.
Call us today to make your appointment for your yearly eye exam and receive a complimentary iWellnessExam in May. 702-254-3558